1966 3 speed manual trans problem. Help!

Thanks 67Dart273! I did go to MyMopar and downloaded a manual that covered many 1966 mopars. It was very long. I have to go through it to see if it has what I need. Really appreciate the suggestion and all the help!

Here's how I do those: Start at the front and find the contents and what chapter you want AKA electrical is chapter 8. Then go up to the page no. box on your viewer and "make a stab." For electrical I usually "try" page 350 or 400, if that is wrong I add 100 or subtract 50 or 100, etc. Does not take long to get into the ball

You will want to start at the front of the transmission section, as it has an addtional table of contents for "just that section."

A few of those manuals use the "correct" page no's (IE electrical page 8-2) but most do not