FMA SHOW OCALA: this weekend ---- WHO'S GOING????

We went today and had a blast. It was our first but my impression was lots of vendors, (Picked up a heater hose support bracket with nice patina, trunk gasket, trunk mat Etc.) a lot of great Resto and Driver cars. Seemed like a pretty good turnout even with dicey weather. Started drizzling about noon. Wishing we could have taken the Rusty Beak. It would have mixed in nice with the other a bodies. Didn't see any other Scamps unless we missed them. Would go back tomorrow and find a rear view mirror, but want to get the car going!
Only drawback was the dusty dirt road going In. We joked we felt like the Duke boys and Roscoe should be chasing us. Haha. We took my Dodge truck and I ain't afeard of dirt roads. But I'm sure some guys with high dollar restoration cars would cringe.
All the photos are on my boys phone we'll have to wait to get them uploaded.
One more thing, this was our first all Mopar show. No Camaros, no Mustangs just well, you know...........