Tesla roadster: 8.8 1/4 from the factory.

This is a very nice looking car and it is fast. That being said there is only one Tesla service centre here in Ontario for parts and service. It is still a car and will break down, need service and get involved in accidents. You can't complain about the service because there will not be any! You will not get anywhere near the advertised mileage in the winter. If you cannot leave your car for the day you need a supercharge station. If you are on the road in Ontario you can pick between the 13 stations available to charge your car and you will need to sit around for 75 minute to fully charge ( or 20 minutes for 50%) All Teslas have Autopilot hardware built in but they are nowhere near the promise of a self drive car... yet. So far you can park your Tesla in the garage with your cell phone which I will admit is pretty cool