Stop in for a cup of coffee

The family has asked that we each tell a story that we recall about my wife's grandfather. So in fitting fashion to his out going personality, I figure I'd share this one to you all as well.

Being in a small farming county, everyone knows everybody. Well I was about 7-8 years old. Used to play with the kids and such. Well one of them was grandson,ty, of my now wife's step grandfather (this was a few years before my now wife's mom would remarry into that family). Anyway, one summer I was attending the local country church's vacation bible school. The church property had a small pond on it. Well me and my friends find a piece of fishing line with a hook, get a stick and make a pole. Being in July and a drought, we couldn't find any bait, so we used a piece or chewed bubble gum. Sure enough, we pulled a small mouth bass out of the pond, wasn't the biggest but big enough. Not knowing what to do with it, and it flopping around , me and ty climbed up the old metal slide and held it up there while we tried to figure out what to do. Well here came Ty's grandfather to bail us out. He climbed up there and while trying to take the fish from us, all three of us went sliding down the slide by accident, landing in a big pile at the bottom. Somehow, the fish had slipped the hook in the ride and ended up on top of Ty's head. I'd never seen anyone laugh as hard as his grandfather did at that moment.

Probably an anticlimactic story to you all but I find it hilarious