The thing with driving it and "restoring" it is - it'll never get "done".. there will always be something else that needs attention and after a while you will feel like it is nickle and diming you to death... and unless you're ok with a "mop and glow" paint job, it'll never get painted either - but you will be driving it and there is something to be said for that. On the other side - taking it off the road and tearing it apart to do a full restoration or build is a serious commitment - and depending on your level of commitment, it still may never get done. The used up garage space isn't just about where the car sits - all the parts you take off of it have to go somewhere. Then you'll have to get another car so you can still get around = more $$.
Like Bob said above - no advice here - just some food for thought.. truth is, only you can decide what is right for you.