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I think he said the 2nd ring was moly faced. Hard to tell. I mentioned I read about chamfers being opposed on the 2 rings. He said only if 2nd ring is reverse torsional (these arent).
He said when installing expander and rails that joint in expander is in line with pin.
Also steel rail gaps should be offset from expander gap approx 60* each way.
Still find it weird they label the 2nd ring TOP, but I didn't get a part # so no documentation. Be taking a look at them with magnifying glass lol.
You mention 4 gaps? Lol
Do you know to install the rings with the 4 gaps staggered evenly around the piston's circumference? Was there any discussion on moly facings for these rings?

And while it is hard/impossible to do otherwise with that particular style of ring expander, make sure the ends of the expander don't get overlapped.