Santa brought me the Ron Francis XP-777

forgot to mention...IMO, it's good to have centralized ground stations connected directly to the negative terminal of the battery. I accomplished this by two ground stations arranged in a "daisy chain" from the battery to a drivers side inner fender mounted bus station that grounds all components from the firewall forward to the headlights which is then connected to another bus station under the dash that is a central station for all grounds from the firewall to the tail lights. Grounds are not the source of all electrical problems but they are half of them. It's nice to go to two points for all grounds on the vehicle...and even one depending on where your problem is located. So I have ground wire for as far back as the tail lights, etc running all the way from the back of the vehicle to this bus bar under the dash. The entire vehicle is grounded through these two bus stations. RF sells one..overpriced in my opinion but nice..I have it on the inner fender. I have another brand under the dash. Brass connectors/surfaces for both. You probably already know all this wiring this stuff....just sharing what I did. Good luck with it!