71 LA 340 timings moved!! how?? looking for help

On a side note whats up with the stern telling off's about using certain words?? driven American cars all my life and used forums for this time too, never been corrected ever but on this group I've been "Told off" twice now in as many weeks lol!! is it a Mopar thing?? I'm from England UK and as we know there is many a word with different meanings between us, I try to get it right but not going to google check every word lol!! I mean a hood is something on a jacket? its what we call a Bonnet, A trunk is something a elephant has, its what we call a boot...
Not a Mopar thing..... just some individuals It seems like Americans are more likely to express themselves on trivial matters like that than the more polite individuals from the British Empire. And it always worse on the Internet, where body language and tone of voice don't come through to help the communications. Try not to let it concern you; I bet if you met the same individuals in person, you would be soon laughing over a beer together and trading Mopar info.....

On the topic of languages: I've sold product for German and Italian companies for over 20 years and I try to use English sentences that are easy to understand when communicating with them. Colloquial expressions will always cause confusion because my correspondents in Europe can only interpret the literal meaning of the words. I feel I owe it to them to change how I communicate as they understand English and I don't speak German or Italian; in that way, they are better than me.