FiTech EFI system


An update on my FiTech and how it has handled the freezing and sub zero temps.

Around 20-30 degrees car started on 2 cranks and after a IAC adjustment it now starts first time, also with some idleing and throttle inputs in the garage. I tried -2 below and it took 4 cranks, but after some similar learning it now fires first time albeit a bit flux on the rpm for 30 secs.

This was one of the reasons I bit the bullet on this buy. Overall still very pleased. With the Eddie Airgap, XE274 cam and RHS/Indy heads the throttle response is wickedly good. I just want to "rap" the throttle all the time, specially in the subdivision in first gear lol..........Flowmaster 40's and 3 inch exhaust, it 's sounds way meaner than it really is but that's the point right!!
