LA 360 or Magnum 5.9

Same potential, but IMO different applications. And sooner or later the smaller engines will blow up,trying to keep up with the bigger ones, or will cost a fortune to survive. And the higher you spin 'em the softer the bottom gets.
One thing I can say with absolute surety is that I ,that's me personally,wouldn't spend a nickle on a smaller than 360 engine, for a street A-body, and someday I'd sure like to stick one in a lightweight-A . The 360 just hits more targets, more of the time with less sacrifices made.

Nice math

I agree 360 has all the advantages especially on the street. But I was just trying to correct the thinking somehow 318 cant make similar hp with the similar parts. Of course your gonna have to turn the powerband up about 600 rpm and at least 2 steps lower gear and about 600 rpm more stalll and a ruffer idle than a 360 . For some those are disadvantages their willing to live with and others not. I figure if your will to gear it
(small displacement) build it if not go bigger or except lesser performance for the same dime.