

j par

Well-hung Member
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Portland Oregon
I've been talking about this overwhelming feeling in my thread about reconfiguring with Duster but I believe this can't only be me?
All the messes and all the projects seem to come together as one big problem or something that can't be resolved seemingly. Like there's so much you don't know where to start and then you end up not starting and saying tomorrow or something like that?
I noticed a lot of people on here that have been working on their projects for a long time and sometimes it's not just time or money but the same overwhelming feeling where there's just so much to do that it's almost futile to even get started? anybody else?
overwhelmed by the car projects? not really.... but when i add in the NEEDS for the house? ....... ok.... a little bit. Job is long hours, and 6 days a week....
  1. Duster project - done a lot, more to do
  2. Another duster - done a lot, more to do
  3. Ramcharger - still apart -
  4. '06 Mustang - bought it wrecked, still wrecked
  5. Durango - bought with a small list for needing (A/C, smell gas, etc) - some of the list is done, more to do.
But i keep finding ways to add more to the list instead of less :D ,,, so that must mean i like it??? Like do a "2018 race on a website" :p
Yes sir. Between work, the bills, the house, the kids, the wife and the lack of money my cars sat 1/2 done for many years.

Finally decided screw that. I didn't want to be "That Guy" who's family sells his unfinished projects for scrap after he died. 5 years ago I bolted em back together with whatever I had, seriously lowered my expectations and created 2 daily drivers. The Roadrunner is maybe a 7 out of 10 and the Dart probably a 4! I drive the wheels of them, especially the Dart. Sure they are ratty and sometimes people run their mouths but F*** them. I'm happy! I have even been able to have both cars used in movies! Way better than them sitting half apart waiting for me to die!

BTW that's my son with the Dart, wish I was 30....


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I've invested to start projects. Now I'm paying to make them disappear. Cement block piers behind the house where a room addition and new deck were going to be is one example. Currently looking to hire a bull dozer.
I've come to envy those who have not one unfinished project in their field of vision.
I've been talking about this overwhelming feeling in my thread about reconfiguring with Duster but I believe this can't only be me?
All the messes and all the projects seem to come together as one big problem or something that can't be resolved seemingly. Like there's so much you don't know where to start and then you end up not starting and saying tomorrow or something like that?
I noticed a lot of people on here that have been working on their projects for a long time and sometimes it's not just time or money but the same overwhelming feeling where there's just so much to do that it's almost futile to even get started? anybody else?

I don't mind the car related stuff, but when the Wife throws in a bathroom, kitchen and deck remodel where she expects me to do most of it I get kind of swamped feeling.
My car is fine, but the Wife's 72 Dart is still sitting there drivable, licensed and insured and completely stock with a hood spring that jumped off and body work to be done.
Problem is I can't get her to tell me what she wants done with the car or how much money she wants to put into it, so I am doing little things with it like shocks, heater control cable kinked speedo head change that we already have and just needs to be put in.

Got to get on that big dent behind the door when it warms up a bit more.:D

Make a itemized list of what you want to do then work on one at a time. Just make sure not to do one thing and reassemble only to have to take it apart to do another.
I use a list for those days when I wonder what I'm going to do. I look at it to see what's most important. At other times I see what several small things I can get done in an allotted time span.
Approached one step at a time, large or many tasks are easier undertaken. Good luck!!
Yes trying to get the conversation about this started because I believe it is a huge problem for a lot of us. Phase 3 of my garage cleaning today. (Final phase)
The fire feels warm, the blueberry muffin was yummy, the couch is cozy, maybe after a little nap....zzz....
On the same fence. Will get back to you later.
Ummm... yes. LOL.

Just trying to find the time is my biggest challenge. Seems like I'll have periods where I'll be very productive and get stuff completed/fixed, then something comes along and kills my momentum. The Duster has been apart and/or on the lift since our last drive in March of 2017. Now with winter here, and an unheated garage, things have stalled again. Once it warms up a bit I'll get back under it and button things up again.... unless life throws another curve ball my way.


I like to mess with stuff but don't seem to have what it takes for a project. I was able to buy my Swinger and it was pretty much turn key. I really enjoy that. I have modified it some but nothing more than can be done in a couple hours on a Saturday afternoon. My 66 needs paint and finished but it is a runner too. This spring I will change the oil, adjust the valves and drive it.
When I retired, I posted an ad offering free help to folks stuck on threir project mopars. The response was staggering. What I discovered was most folks "stuck" on some item, and they just couldn't get past it. I helped with elec, suspension, everything. After that obstacle was removed, they seemed to have their blood boiling, good attitude, gung ho. My suggestion is find another Mopar buddy in your area, go help him one wknd, he helps you the next.. Also, go find a new and shiny part you have in a closet, get it, fondle it, and go put it on.. If your heart starts to beat, you're on the right track. Cheers.
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I've been talking about this overwhelming feeling in my thread about reconfiguring with Duster but I believe this can't only be me?
All the messes and all the projects seem to come together as one big problem or something that can't be resolved seemingly. Like there's so much you don't know where to start and then you end up not starting and saying tomorrow or something like that?
I noticed a lot of people on here that have been working on their projects for a long time and sometimes it's not just time or money but the same overwhelming feeling where there's just so much to do that it's almost futile to even get started? anybody else?

A few minutes here and a few minutes there. An bamm your done with that project.
An then you get another one done an then another. All of a sudden you have that flat tire changed.
You just take baby steps till you are ready to run with it.
J par your energy level is unbelievable especially for an old fart. So get on with the Duster. An I'll get the rearend back in the Durango. Then on to the next step on the to do list.
We all hit the wall, it's easy to get overwhelmed. My Comet was a 5 year build and my Barracuda was a 6+ year build. When the Barracuda was in final assembly I
bought a whiteboard and washable markers. I hung it up and wrote all my tasks on it and numbered the priority updating the list every week or two.
That way, when I walked into the shop, I did not have to think about what to do next, it was written there and I could go right to work.
That made the completion of my Barracuda much smoother.
As soon as my knees heal, I will be starting a 40 ford pickup and I will use the same system with it.
If you feel like doing a small project one day, look at your list on the wall, as suggested above, and pick something simple. When you have more energy, go for something more involved. If you get stuck, and can't complete the task, do one you know you can finish. Then come back to what needs finishing. When you see something done, it hopefully will give you ambition to do the next thing.
nah,i typically take 3 years per project.
The trick is to have one finished or at least nice enough to drive so there is no rush on the project, then you can work on it when you feel like it or the funds are available.
The project is like eating an elephant ...one bite at a time!
You would be surprised at the motivation erasing a completed task from the whiteboard and adding the next thing can be.
The project just starts to flow----------
lol been working on the 67 fastback for 40 years , might be done for the 3rd time this year,
just in time to start on the 4th time.
Wow, I just woke up! My wife pulled a blanket over me and kissed me and that's the last thing I remember...
For me it seems to be the garage it's self this time?
Okay, I'll make a push...
Wow, I just woke up! My wife pulled a blanket over me and kissed me and that's the last thing I remember...
For me it seems to be the garage it's self this time?
Okay, I'll make a push...

You took a nap? Really? I wish I could fall asleep like that. I'm jealous.
Spent the last few hours thinking.
A couple yeas ago i stood in the middle of my 9 acre yard and looked around. Everything needs time and money. 9 buildings behind in maintenance,3 vehicles i need to rebuild and a 4th for a buddy.
This time last year all i accomplished was redoing the interior of my little garage, running water, a bathroom drywalled and spray mud the inside.
Big job.5 grand later.
Bought metal to cover in the sides of a pole shed. 20x200 is a lot of metal,plus lumber. Nevermind the work. Flooring in the house.
Bathroom reno. Its never ending.
Returning to 4 days per week in shop so i can get stuff done.
I really hate vacations, costs a lot of money while none is bein made.

One hour here and there and things do get done, its sometimes anazing.
Barracuda is getting on track,goal is to have it move under its owm power. By fall. Of this year.
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When I drag home a project, I always have a plan.
First is I want to be able to drive it as soon as possible. Maybe it runs when I buy it, maybe it is a roller. But I want to be able to at least run it down the road (and BACK). Engine rebuild? Ha
I want it SOLID< get rid of the rust!!!! buy and /or fab patch panels, Mig then, epoxy prime those places, some filler, prime over it all to seal. Then I can sand off the door dings, epoxy prime and filler those, and do paint work laterrrrrrrr. I give a rats *** if it is ugly. I love it.
Yes I want to sit on something other than a 5 gal bucket. I care not about headliner, carpet, new upholstery. All will come after paint work.
I want enough exhaust that Carbon monoxide does not kill me!

Did I forget the new gas tank, radiator, brakes, belts, hoses, etc etc etc etc.............But everytie I fix something, I get this RUSH..... always have.

My goal is a car that enjoy, who cares what anyone else thinks!???????????