Cometic rear main seal vs...

You do know that you have to polish the crank to use a rubber seal. I have never had one leak if installed correctly.
Initially I was wanting to use a rope seal, however they are very difficult to get in Australia, I am talking about the original OEM style one (which used asbestos in it apparently) and not the crap new style which has a rubber tube core and thin outer sheath of "rope" and is renown for leaking. I saw there is one OEM type on USA Ebay but it was $85 by the time it would be posted here. Several assemblers here have complained about these new rope seals (eg made by Felpro) and say not to use them as they often leak and are just nowhere near as good as the old solid OEM ones. That's why I have decided to go with the later 318 340 style seal. I called Cometic and didn't really get much extra info. I asked if there were installation instructions with the seal (as I have already ordered one) and they said , yes, there were "general installation instructions". But I wanted Chrysler-specific instructions, I think it will be best if I listen to the guys here on the forum and their experiences with installing them. Also the price difference compared to other seals is probably that the Cometic one is made of Viton, which is a tougher material than neoprene / rubber.