Bending a rodney

That's great news Mike,
Even though it is still costing you money it could have been WAY worse. I think the first cruise is about a month away and at least you have a shot at making it. My car STILL isnt started, it's all of the "little things" that are chewing up GOBBS of time. We are down to just a few annoying items. The shifter cable in way close to the headers as is the starter solenoid wire that comes out of the starter. I wrapped the header with insulation for the starter and I put Velcro attached insulating wrap around the shifter cable. Not sure how it's gonna work out. We were in the garage until 3;30 this morning and my *** is dragging. Hope that you're able to resolve your issues soon. Looks like another week for me as I'm heading to Texas for work on Monday.