Griffin radiator and twin fans still running at 190-200?

i was contributing because the topic starter was 'concerned' with the temps he was running. Several of you gave good advice about making him feel comfortable with the safety of 210-220 temps. While it may be unnecessary to run at 190 all the time, there are advantages. Many owners are not comfortable when that heat starts pushing into the interior. It's uncomfortable and there is also a mental aspect of the car being close to overheating. I happen to be one of those people. So I gave him a couple of ideas based on his situation.

As far as my recommendation, while you are absolutely correct that fan CFM can range greatly, if you compare apples to apples, a 16" Spal fan is going to outperform 2 10" Spal fans of the same line. That was my point. Our topic starter's temps are rising 15 degrees when at idle. The rise in temp at idle is directly related to air flow. Hence my comments on fans.

We're all here on these forums to contribute information that can help increase our collective knowledge about any particular topic with the assumption that future viewers may benefit as well. I'm fairly new on the forums but I'm not new to dealing with cooling issues. I think we have some pretty good knowledge that can help members here and there. I hope you long time contributors are open to that.
I'm a firm believer that car knowledge is car knowledge and if it could be passed along and be helpful it's all good. I thought I seen once or twice, I don't think it was you maybe another vendor where it starts to become a commercial for their products when they post and that can get a little sticky. My-2 and again thanks for your experience..