Please Explain Lane Splitting

Just because someone is on two wheels does not make them an idiot, or an asshole, or someone who wants to run over baby-strollers. That is the impression I am getting from a lot of you people here. Don't tell me you always drive the speed limit and follow all the laws of the road in your mopars. Hypocrites.

That may be your perception. I have no issue with bike riders who follow the law and act responsibly. I've got a lot of friends who enjoy riding and want them to return safely to their families. Cars pulling out in front of them with the excuse of, "I didn't see him," is one of the biggest ones I hear about. My former business partner suffered some apparent brain damage because of that excuse. When the paramedics arrived to get him, his helmet was split in half. Six weeks later he was able to leave the hospital.

Have I been known to have some fun and air out the car? Sure. All of the ones I've owned have put through the paces. Safely. Without anyone else near me. And definitely not with my kids in the car.

It's enough to have to keep an eye out for idiots on their cell phones to keep my kids safe when they are in the car with me. I'd appreciate that I don't also have to keep an eye for that idiot wanting to pass me on the shoulder doing 80 or having to watch out for that kid doing wheelies at 75mph as he passes me.