Please Explain Lane Splitting

Yup, I knew this thread would turn into this. A bunch of hypocritical car drivers that don’t like lane splitting because they got scared by someone lane splitting in an unsafe/illegal manner.

This board is full of guys telling stories about their glory days street racing and doing stupid, illegal BS in their cars. And then the same guys whine about motorcycle riders because some rider scared the crap out of them when they weren’t paying attention.

Lane splitting can be done safely. Yes, it’s a higher risk and you have to be careful, and not everyone is. As I pointed out already, it’s legal in more places than it’s not if you look at the whole world instead of just the US. Can it be done dangerously? Of course! But people speed doing everything in their cars. Hell thats why I have an overdrive transmission for my Duster. Because I have to be able to cruise at 80mph on the freeway to KEEP UP with traffic, even though the speed limit is 65 around here. Think that’s not dangerous? Fatality rates increase with speed, even for cars.

Yes, riding a motorcycle is more dangerous. You’ve got less protection and people NEVER look for bikes. But you know what? Driving a classic car is more dangerous too. Don’t see you guys lining up to complain about that.
