Please Explain Lane Splitting

Well said! They may "feel safer" but in reality aren't safer.
Apply the same 'logic"?? to seatbelts.
It's kind of like shagging off Plenty of Fish.... Go ahead and throw the coals to it without protection but when things go South don't go cryin' like a lil' ***** because you got a chick knocked up or your local healthcare clinic is scraping crust off your twig and berries lol....

As for the helmet, I could care less what someone either thinks or does in regards to safety apparatus when riding (but in case some have never figured it out you don't dress for the ride, you dress for the crash....) My problem is when their actions turn into my problem either because what they have done disrupted my life at a personal level or they are expecting Taxpayers to cover their stupidity via Disability because someone thought when their head smacks pavement at 49mph everything is gonna be alright...... And that is exactly why our gubmt' intervenes and makes laws based on things just like that.

Be safe guys..... The ones who think they are above the law create a less than stellar fan base for the riders in general...