Which end to cut ugh!!

I am not a purist, so whatever works is fine for me. And that may be an option. I am right now trying to figure out why a stock hose will not fit what I have. Everything is in the correct place as stock?? Guy at the Napa store told me these prebent hoses are suppose to pop on with no alterations??
I thought about the same thing. I figured that you got the hose that was the one that should fit. But if you can't get the correct one the best option is to cut the hose in the "straight" section which makes it easy to patch/spilce, especially if the ends are different sizes (like on some cars). I've even bought 2 or 3 hose to cut the correct bends/lengths out then spice in the "straight" section. Use galvanized exhaust pipe or stainless steel pipe for the splice to keep rust from developing.
