Decision To Own A Handgun

I'm impressed. Four pages without one idiot chiming in to tell us the 2nd is outdated, guns kill people, and this is car forum, how dare we discuss anything else.

Taught both my wives to shoot. Never on a handgun, though. First thing I had to do was establish eye dominance. Amazing how many people think, since they are a certain hand dominant they must be the same eye dominant.

Didn't work out for Sarah. Her supposed gun expert uncle first put a gun in her hand. She couldn't hit the barnyard from the barn roof. Gave it up.

Once she found out she was left eye dominant (only making sense since her right eye was a lazy since birth) and was helped to be made comfortable shooting left handed she actually started enjoying it. Especially since she could hit the target.

People in the circles i speak to generally cross interests between cars and firearms. I'm not surprised there are are large group of people who are interested in both.