65 Valiant Convertible

Also want to give a big shout out to Old Dart 66 (Jerry) for coming through and helping me finally fix my variable speed windshield wipers! After buying 4 switches I was done trying and gave up...and then Jerry shipped me his and said don't pay him unless it works....now that's saying a lot about him as a stand up guy...which can be hard to find these days. Thanks Jerry! After 5 tries...my wipers finally work thanks to you!

Appreciate the good words. That is what FABO should be, and is, all about....keeping these Early A beauties looking sweet, and running well for all to enjoy driving and to appreciated by all that see them...including that great looking 'vert. Can't even, or don't even want to imagine how many of these cars would have been turned into blocks of crushed steel without this great forum. FABO, a great place to be with a good group of many helpful people..... as many, here, have helped me. Best. Old Dart 66, Jerry