AMD versus Goodmark quarter panel skins.

I admit I watch prices on everything, but for most of us that are DIU and not a bodyshop pro, I rather buy the best gauge and fitting panel IF I buy a repop, Many early A bodies, 66-7 B bodes, etc that either have no panel available or what is, makes Goodmark look totally wonderful.
I forget who repoped it but last year I was over on FBBO and some poor b****** that was doing a 69 Roadrunner, He was a PRO bodyman, and had to split that longggg quarter panel all the way down to get it to fit, was 3/4 inch off!!!!! I think sometimes the Wops punch out some off panels, and they get sold.
N o doubt we are all better off paying more for a GOOD project in the long run. Just not that many good ones left!!!