Ever just get tired?

and the older I get, the faster time seems to go.
We are inextricably married to a monetary system, designed to wear us out early, saving nothing for retirement, and bringing at least 2 children into the same slave system, just to maintain. The system wears out your body, messes up your mind, and drains your soul. Families break up,and go bankrupt. Husbands go nuts, and wives are turned into whores, and the next generation fails to mature. The fruit goes bad. It's the de-evolution of the system, I tell ya.
If the country can't see that as evil, it is blind. The system has a cancer at the highest level,called greed, and there is no known cure for it.Even if the common people were able to just quit, the upper echelon has enough assets to endure any siege,any famine, any war.
Think about it; food,water,air,and shelter are the basic human needs. Everyone of us is dependent on the system for at least one or two of those.And a lot of the time at least two or three of those are poisoned. If you stay in the system, you will die. But if you quit, you will also die. It's designed that way. We are just slaves to the system. As long as we bring two more baby slaves into the system, it continues to function.
When we come into the world, the only thing we have is an allotment of time. But the devil has figured out how to steal it from us, one day atta time. And we are so busy fighting, we miss the living.
I feel bad for you Matt. You're angry. and hurting. and caught in a death-spiral.Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
And no time for yourself. Just like me. Just like millions of others.
IDK the solution, but I think I found a piece of it; and at least I ain't sick no more, and at least I am healed of infirmities. And my allotment of time is back on schedule. 4score if by reason of good health. I got 15 to go, and then I can rest.
And if I say any more, we'll end up in a different forum.

I am waiting for the Second coming of Christ. That is the only solution to what mankind has done.