Comp cams xe268h for 318

You want the Formula?

You know I got formulas..... right

Can I get a yes, yes?

OkOk you twisted my arm here it comes

It's coming out of my head so hang tuff, the wheel are turning.

take the intake duration and divide it by two, then subtract the specified ICL (installed CenterLine.) Take the result of that and add it to 360*. Now subtract the intake duration from that, to get the compression degrees. then take those compression degrees from 180* and out pops the ICA, I need an aspirin.
Now lets convert that to math....... maybe two aspirins; here it comes;
180less(Intake duration/2 less ICL)+360 -Intake Duration = Ica.
180 less{(276/2) less106)+360-276}=Ica of 64*. Hey it works!! And another;
180 less {(292/2) less104)+360-292}=Ica of 70* Badaboom that one too!
Lessee what else can I give away? anybody need a green couch?
Haha thanks that is helpful much appreciated!