Made a compromise and went to church this morning

I left the box church too. They were stuck. Did not preach the whole message. Said the OT ended at the cross.
Yet every branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off, and burned.
A branch that does bear, will be pruned so that it can bear more fruit. I think that's in John.
Yes we are commanded to judge. Do not be fooled by the judge-not lest ye be judged verse. Read it in it's entirety. We are to judge every one and everything,to prove all things, lest we be led astray. Go read the WHOLE Book . This is why we have over 42,000 different denominations today, everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes. And this is why Jesus laments "will I find any" asking about Believers, at His return.
Jesus is looking for Believers. I (my opinion),doubt He will find them in the church. Since I left the church in 2000, I have stumbled across 4 of them, on 4 different occasions, and had Bible Study with them; what an experience, each one.
Today's churches are sick and/or sleeping.And they teach errors. The original churches were house churches, meeting in secret, because there were hunters of Christians, sent out to exterminate them; Paul himself had been authorized to murder them whenever/where-ever he found them. God Himself had to correct and change Paul.
House churches, maybe basement churches, maybe hiding in caves churches. Think about it; A small group of people gathering together, studying themselves to be approved, and rightly dividing the word; where ever two or three are gathered in His name, there He promised to be, and with signs and wonders following, and supernatural healings.And Go ye into all the world preaching the Gospel, and baptizing, and greater works than these shall we do..
You see much if any of that in your church?
I see a bunch of half-asleep sheep, going to the slaughter, brainwashed with errors omissions and outright lies.
So are there hypocrites in church. I have seen many.
Are there "good" non-Christians? I have seen many.
The thing is that there is only one way into the coming New Kingdom, and being "good"is not in the plan, nor is being in church, half asleep. You absolutely have to have your name written in the Book of Life. And if your name is in there, then you have a primary mandate to obey Gods laws and commands, and several other secondary mandates, as well. The principle ones being to confess Jesus among men, that Jesus will confess you before His Father, And to forgive 7 x 70 times,essentially without limit, because if we do not forgive, then Jesus is not required to forgive us either.
This is how we know our brothers, by their works...... not necessarily by what they say.And if they have been studying long enough, you will see them grow to a good old age full of years and still healthy and strong. Why is that? Because we as Believers are given, in the name of Jesus,the power to cast out demons, and evil spirits, the authors of sickness, diseases, and infirmities.
God put those entities on this earth. We can't see 'em, but that don't mean they ain't here with us. And they love to attack believers. They care not a bit about the goats or the lost, because in their eyes those are already destined to the Fire. But they care deeply to afflict Believers, to weaken their faith, and cause them to backslide, and perhaps the Believer will lose his salvation. Oh you believe in-once-saved-always-saved; who taught you that? I bet you believe in a rapture too then: who taught you that. Go read the Book; thatchit ain't in the Book. That is a tradition of men, just like Sunday-Worship. OOps I digress.
So the demons or evil-spirits (different entities) , if they are able to steal your salvation, are happy campers. We have to guard ourselves against them, and to protect our salvation,and to learn how to get rid of them when they attach themselves to us. Christians love to say they are immune to demonic attack, Hah! Show me chapter and verse; that is another erroneous teaching. They maybe don't get attacked because they are not Believers. Believers are PROMISED to have tribulation in this world. It's a promise. If you think you are a Believer and you don't have tribulation, you better start thinking about that. If you are a married Believer and your wife is sick or afflicted or full of disease and you are not; you better think about that..... because as far as God is concerned, the first time you went into your wife, the two of you became one flesh; do you think the evil-one somehow missed that? Never! You better gird up your loins and fight for her! Do you think when your car breaks down, oh well, you'll just throw some money at it and it will get better? No take dominion of your gifts, the things God has provided for you. Be a good steward; don't bury your stash in the ground. Take dominion of your house and yard and animals and every place your foot touches from the deepest underground to the underside of the dome, that no demon can enter there. Command angels to stand at your bed at night to deflect the fiery darts of the evil ones, while you are asleep. Command angels to run along side your car when you travel to deflect the evil works of the evil ones. Do you think bad things happen to good people by coincidence? I don't think so Tim... The Believer left the door open somewhere.
You have to divorce Believer from Christian. There are probably millions of people who say they are Christians, but they will go down to the pit, for they are NOT Believers. They are going thru the motions of being Christians, blindly believing their teachers who have secretly crept in unawares, and teach for commandments, the doctrines of men.
There may be Believers among them from time to time, but we divorce ourselves from them when our spirits stir us to the truth.
Of the 4 Believers I have met, 3 have abandoned the church, while one is struggling with his dilemma; I believe he will also soon abandon his LIFE-LONG Luthernism.
There may be Believers who have never set foot in a box-church.I haven't yet met one, but that don't meanchit. By their works you will know them. I cast out a bait to almost everyone I meet, and if they bite, I am quick to ask if they are a Believer. Thing is; in the coming tribulation, I want to know who my brothers are, cuz we may have to band together to survive. Brothers are eager to find eachother. Some are taken aback at my bluntness, but hey, they took the bait, and so let's talk. Others were fakers, and want to fight, I shake off my sandals and move along. I don't cast bait among the sharks.
And then there's the wildcard; remember the thief on the cross, perhaps a career criminal who confessed Jesus before men, just hours before death. And Jesus accepted him. This shows us that God wants who He wants, and is able to snatch a sinner from death's door.
My 2cents