Made a compromise and went to church this morning

Imagine the Spirit drawing the abomination
So your saying I have to be good before I get saved?!? All sin is an abomination.

As for me, I'm staying as far away from those guys as I can, lest their DNA infect me, and I become unawares, an abomination to my God.
I think you had a bad reaction to a simple question. Would you try to lead a gay person to Christ if they came to your church? BTW it has been done. Gay people getting saved and turning away from the gay life style. People are coming out of Islam to Christ. Those are some of the same descendants driven out of the Promised land, right?
Does the Blood of Yeshua only save people from sins that you deem worthy? Are you telling me that Yeshua has no power to save a gay person because you don't want them near you?