Made a compromise and went to church this morning

So your saying I have to be good before I get saved?!? All sin is an abomination.

I think you had a bad reaction to a simple question. Would you try to lead a gay person to Christ if they came to your church? BTW it has been done. Gay people getting saved and turning away from the gay life style. People are coming out of Islam to Christ. Those are some of the same descendants driven out of the Promised land, right?
Does the Blood of Yeshua only save people from sins that you deem worthy? Are you telling me that Yeshua has no power to save a gay person because you don't want them near you?
This is why I don't hang out with Christians They zero in on one thing and twist all around and reapply it to say whatever the want. That is how you got your escape rapture. That is how you got your 1947 Israel regathered. That is how you got everything ended at the cross. And that is how you got your gap-theory, and your ball-earth belief, and your 42000plus denominations, and oh so much more. And when the "aliens" come to save the world, you guys are gonna eat it up.
If you can't get sense out of my simple post, how can you get sense out of anything? And no islamites were not in the the Land of Canaan, Canaanites were in the Land of Canaan; the seven tribes of Giants commonly referred to as the ites;
Jushua 10 And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know that the living God is among you, and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites..
These ites were squatters on Shem's prized piece of real-estate,allotted to him by His father Noah, right after the flood, that Canaan the usurper took. That wasn't the worst part tho; these Giants were Devil worshipers and sexual deviants, and child murderers and cannibals, and they had been denied salvation centuries earlier. Their Spirits did not come from God; their fathers had been called reprobate bastards.
It is for this latter reason that God raised up the weakest nation on earth, and brought them to the threshold of the Promised Land. And it is because of their refusal to enter, that they were forced into the 40 year desert-march, until all that rebellious generation died, except Joshua and Caleb, who had said " we are well able". And the second time, they followed the Mighty Arm of the Lord and, took it back.
This was the best land on the post-flood earth, and it had been allotted to Shem, the many-great grandfather of the coming Son of God-Almighty. Canaan stole it. And God made it right.
Islam claims Abraham as their great grandfather, thru Ishmael the son of Hagar the handmaid. Ishmael and his progeny were cursed to never inherit the Kingdom of God. By Whom? By Sarai the wife of Abraham, and not-yet mother of Jacob the father of the nation Israel. Ishmael was the firstborn of Abraham and the proof off the power of his seed, and so by law entitled to a double inheritance. Instead his father committed the child's fate to his jealous wife, who promptly kicked the child and his mother out, to die in the desert. But Hagar had a change of heart and cried out to the God of Abraham who heard her and had mercy on them both. To Ishmael was then granted it to be the father of many many people. And God kept His promise didn't He? But God never challenged Sarai's curse. So if Christians want to pray for a Muslim; it better be by the unction of the Holy Spirit, else it is a complete waste of time.
reciting a little prayer at the front of the church, does not make you a saved person. If you believe that, then you will go down to the pit.
Salvation does require works.
Firstly, you have to come to complete halt in your life and believe on the name of Jesus. This is not like believing in gravity. It comes with a huge package; including believing on the atoning power of His shed blood, and that He took all our sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. and that He gave up His Spirit on that cross, and that he arose from his death bed and walked among men for weeks afterwards. and that He was the final sacrifice, which was the fulfillment of the law.
Nothing else changed. Your Jesus did not abolish the rest of the Law, just the sacrificial system, and the therefore the tithing system. Those two were attached like Siamese twins.
But I digress.
To him who believes it is granted to become a son of God. Are you then saved? If you die at that moment or like the thief on the cross, then yes. But if you then, minutes or hours, or whatever , then go back to your old ways, you will be thumbing your nose at God, which He doesn't take kindly to. Yes if you confess and repent, God will take you back; but how many times can you get away with that insolent behavior, before God turns His back on your lying mouth?Remember by our works will God know our hearts. Backsliders are told that He will make it way harder to get back to Him.
No! In addition to Believing,We are also commanded to Love God. by obedience to his Laws and Commands. This is how God knows we mean business, by our works
We have to endure in the above way, to our last breath.
And that is/are works.
Now if you want extras, God has a list of things you can do that will grant you crowns on Judgement Day. Those too are works. But you don't get the payback unless you work out your salvation with fear and trembling, that your name remains in the Book of Life. If your name gets blotted out, you miss the crowns, and rightly so. Every where you look in the Bible are works.
And then there is the Mark of the Beast; if you accept it, yur done, off to the pit you will go, and no mercy.
It's just a test Man, just a test to separate the goats from the sheep, the tares from the wheat.
Can God save a Muslim or a Gay, Well,there are at least two answers to that;
1) God put a plan into effect, and it is not open to discussion. So if that person obeys the plan then I guess we'll see him/her in the sheep-line on the appointed day. The plan is simple; Believe, Love (which requires obedience), and endure. one two three. Of course that gay person will have to repent of the abominable thing he has been doing.
2) I've said this before, God wants who He wants,we don't have to understand it.
God wanted the murderer Cain.When Cain slew Abel,God let Cain live, only marking him, and sending him away; divorcing him from his rightful double-portion inheritance.
And,God wanted the murderer Paul.
And God wanted the adulterer and murder David who took Bathsheba from her husbands still warm murdered body.
It may be that God wants a certain gay person.If that person is drawn by the Holy Spirit, or if a third party is moved by the Spirit to intervene,and that gay person free-will chooses the plan, then I guess we'll see him/her in the sheep-line on the appointed day.
3) the predestination wildcard. God want who He wants. He worked on me for 40 years and I fought hard not to switch camps.PERHAPS I was predestined to the Kingdom; nevertheless I still have to follow the plan.
4) and finally;The spirit returns to Him who gave it.
Not everyone on the face of the earth today has a God-given Spirit. There are many already destined to death, who have no hope, and can never enter the New Kingdom.
It's just a test Man, Life on this earth is just a test to separate the goats from the sheep, the tares from the wheat. We do our part and He CANNOT refuse us entrance. God's Word is final.And is no respector of persons. The thing that is written WILL be.
Knock yourself out. But when you witness, be sure you are talking to the human.