Laminate Flooring....

I'll jump on the no silicone sealer bandwagon with everyone My wife and I ripped up carpet and put laminate in our sunroom on our camper at the beach. Fearing moisture from below, because our sunroom ain't far off the ground, I used some leftover roofing felt when we started. What we used wasn't plain ol roofing felt, but the high dollar stuff that seals up all nail holes. Anyway, like was said before...cut it from the back, and double check yourself every time about which end you're cutting. I was in a big assed hurry, and cut the wrong end of the board off more that once! It will only lock one way, and you can't turn it around and use it if you cut it wrong. This stuff is death on a chop saw blade! I thought buying the rubber bumping block was well worth the few bucks it cost. Remember to keep a straight face when you tell your wife..."I've cut this board off 3 times, and it's STILL too short!" Good luck.