Our best friends (four legged) 2018 shots

Here are my two knuckleheads - both are pound rescues. The shelter folks said black dogs had a harder time being adopted, I guess because they look mean? They were picked so they got a good home, and perhaps some non-black dog got a better shot at their new home. As far as being mean? Nothing could be further from the truth. These are a couple of magnificent critters, very easy agreeable to live with. The smaller one (Charlie) likes to sit in top of her big sister (Maggie). I can't figure out why. And Maggie is such a good sport, she just lays there, OK with being Charlie's pillow.

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Then there's Tater, who rules the kingdom. Clearly, this day he is checking his email...


OK, a couple of fun ones before I go out to the shop to get some work done. Maggie with my buddy's granddaughter, being a good sport while serving as a carnival ride. And another of her investigating why is there a cat inside the Kleenex box.

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And lastly, the results of what happens when Charlie reads the newspaper. Note to self, remove all forms of paper from dog-reaching distance before going to work.
