Stop in for a cup of coffee

Aluminum bowls, the oxidation does make sense. Some of it is so thick that it interferes with the float. I'll give vinegar a try as well.
Physically knock of the worst of it and then apply the vinegar treatment.
Pine sol and water. But not for too long.
Thats sounds interesting. Have to see whats in it.
I used a cheapo sandblaster with the little tank on top,baking soda.
Cleans carb nice. Outside of course...
Some of the restorers use media on the inside too.
At least a couple good threads on removing white corrosion at RFS. Most of the older ones probably are zinc based castings not aluminum which straightline speed is dealing with. Starting near the bottom of this page
Removing a stuck metering block

Lovely photo about 3/4 down this page. :eek:
DIY anti-corrosion coatings for alum. carb parts?