Our First NFL Game!!

First NFL game I went to back in the 90's was Bengals vs Bucks in Tampa.
We were behind the goal post, and I noticed it was crooked?!
No one else seemed to notice or care and gave me funny looks if I pointed it out.

Sure enough (don't remember who but probably Tampa) came down the field and tried a FG.
The ball hit exactly on the tip of the upright (and would have been good if it was straight)
and bounced straight up. In my head I said "I think I can catch that if I stand up", but I didn't.
No one else stood up either, but the ball landed in the row behind me and someone in that row scooped it up :(
Then a crew immediately came over and straightened up the goal post!

Fist MLB gave I ever went to (besides a 1976 Reds gave I don't remember)
It was Tampa Bay Rays vs IIRC Toronto.
Mid way through the game, I remember saying to the people I was with-
"that's the same batter that was up 5 minutes ago"
...and again 10 minutes later.
Turns out they tied an MLB record for most pitches to a single batter- 27!
I've never seen anywhere near that since.
The Rays stadium has a lot of exposed girders at odd angles up in the ceiling.
Pop-up hits can bounce around half a dozen times up there.

I have yet to attend a hockey game...oh wait.

I went to a Bolts exhibition game around 2000-
...and the goalie was a girl!
Manon Rheaume (?) only female player in the NHL.
Dang! You’ve had some experiences! As far as I know the goal posts were straight under normal circumstances but at times it was windy enough that they were moving around quite a bit! That was trash blowing around everywhere and a few hats were blown off heads! Lol