alternative to Comp springs?

Comp sucks, mostly.
Their springs lose more pressure than any others I've run.
K motion 700 [email protected]/[email protected] rate 465
But what stem size would help' to get retainers that work'. Will need to size the guide to locate'em.
Interesting to see another person's experience - I looked up the K700, all great with them except the size, had a look at dimensions and would have to machine the guides. It's the same story with a lot of springs, there's not that many that will just fit straight onto the mopar head. Stock guides mopar are just under the inch, so about 0.995". The ID (outer) on many springs is under that. Heads are all bolted down, I just don't want to take'em off and strip down for that. I have some Trick Flow ones to look at which look pretty close.

I appreciate the replies though, has given me a good range of springs to consider.