Help me plan: My first intake swap ... EVER.

Oh Lord, the questions I have. I got a chuckle out of the reply about this is not a Chevy, so no need to remove the distributor! :D And I appreciate it because … I would have pulled the distributor based on that advice (and not ever having done this before).

I think I'll wait until I'm doing this to ask many questions. Maybe it will become apparent and not need to ask all the questions I have. Sounds like having a case of beer available is the safest bet. I'm very elegant, fancy and sophisticated when it comes to beer so I will probably procure a sophisticated case of Bud Light.

I will have no helper. And I'm near certain this is going to be a multi-day project for me. I get anxious and/or frustrated leaning in over an engine doing s--t I've never done before. And when things don't go as smooth as I (always) expect, it's best I stop, and take it small baby steps at a time. Maybe a well balanced rate of alcohol consumption will relax me and (seriously) help. Also I generally barely have enough tools to get the job done. I have tools, just not always the best tool for the job.

I think I'll buy a shop-vac. Never had one, but have had plenty of instances that having one would have been helpful. Any specialized tools I should consider? You guys keep talking about beads of sealant. I would imagine my "bead" to look more like inconsistently connected globs of goo. Is there some kind of applicator I should procure to make nice pretty sealant beads?
