I don't mean this to single you out, screw with you, ect. I just want to put it into perspective. Why the hell should PayPal even get involved then? They are doing it as a free service for customers.

Somebody probably put their nuts on the line to create PayPal. They have intellectual property, money, staff,ect involved. It's not a constitutional right, it's a service. You have absolutely no right to expect their services to be free. The liberal media in this country has somehow made many people believe that business is bad, and consumers are victims. I don't even have a PayPal account, but I have read/understand their rules. Seems pretty reasonable to me. They are operating on a very low profit/high volume business model. Romper room would put them under in short order.
No offense taking. I am ok with being disagreed with in a discussion and not getting upset. I think that is what sets us apart from the savages lol.
I have never seen (I maybe wrong)(lack of knowledge is not a defense I know) where it says you can't use the friends and family. It just doesn't cover you. So the imo the 3% your paying is just insurance if I and the person I'm sending or receiving money from chooses to wave that insurance to save the 3% than that is on us. I still disagree that it's stealing. Unless it is specifically wrote up and worded that the friends and family option is not to be used for receiving goods even if it is indeed family and or friends. I have never seen that but then again iv never looked.