Retirement options

I was raised in SW Ga. I hate humidity with no wind, I am now in SE Tx, same friggin weather! But, I lived in Mo for 39 years. 10 in SW and 29 in NW part. Best weather is in SW as is cost of living. Gets hot and humid off and on. YOU have way better weather in Ca. As about same as SW Mo but average of 10 degrees warmer in winter less,snow, more ice.
People move to MO due to cost of R/E which is way less than Ca and many other places. Good for retirees but not so good for average person maybe working, because wages are way less!
I suggest you take an extended vacation and see other parts of the US if you have never done so before. Have you ever seen 5 below? Are you a city boy wuss? Can you get along and play well with others?
A lot of retirees end up in Ar. For the
most part very rural. Some parts way rural.
For me the price of R/E is a big factor. As is property tax. Medical. Can you move way from family?

Any time and $$ spent seeing other parts of this wonderful country is well spent in my opinion.

Weather? What did that song say? Something about a 4 wheel drive, a shotgun, a country boy will survive!!???