Timing Retarding @ high RPM

Ask Don at FBO. He'll be the first to say he's got the only box in the world that doesn't retard ignition at high rpms, and that all others suck.

Yeah, Don will be wrong. You can't eliminate slew rate. If he did that, he would be retired, sitting on the beach sipping exotic cocktails with half naked women fanning his ***.

The fact is I learned this years ago from the guy who developed the HyFire boxes for Mallory.

I no longer recall why I called Mallory, but I think at the time I was looking at timing on different cylinders. They all varied, and some cylinders needed more timing and some less.

I read an article where the NASCAR guys were buying multiple reluctors and bending the reluctors very carefully to change the timing to each cylinder.

The upshot was it was a waste of time at that point, because boxes with individual cylinder timing were not far away, and then he added the fact that ALL boxes retard timing with RPM. You can tune for it, but you can't eliminate it.

I think, Dr. Jacobs covered this in his ignition book as well.

I know Don. I like Don. I think he is honest. But on this he is wrong.

Again, all ignition boxes, including the Chrysler stuff and the HEI all retard with RPM. All of them.

Like I said, Baldwin Performance has at least 2 videos posted on his FB showing what happens with RPM. He actually has many good videos on that page.