New glovebox liners for early a-bodies don't fit.

First off I bought from Layson's the same glove box liner that all the companies are selling

Yeah…same old Layson's, full o' laffs…er, full o' beans…er, full o' something or other. I bet they charged more than everyone else for "their" glovebox, too; that's the way they roll: buy ѕhіt from the same people you and I can buy it from, mark it up (way up), then babble about how exclusive and superior "their" stuff is.

Speaking of which, did the Early abody's have an optional glove box light?

Yes. A one-piece dingus with a refrigerator door style plunger switch on one end and a bulb socket on the other end.

All the liners including my originals have a hole on the right side top of the liner. Is that for a light
