This evening forty years ago...

Great picture @SSing !! Tell us more about it and the car, please.

You have the jacket, but do you still have the shoes?????

Thanks. No, no shoes either :) A lokal newspaper wanted to do a story. They had heard the expression "muscle car" and wanted me to show off my biceps which of course I refused. Just slipped in to something and took the car outsideā€¦
Well like I said, considering Sweden and nothing very special about these cars at the time, it turned out ok.
I knew about Bill Bagshaw being a west coast guy so had to do some lettering...
And thank you for the foto session to Mats Juhlin now running a speed shop (Pro Parts) At the time co-owner of the only Direct Connection connected Shop in Sweden.
20160517 Kaross.jpg
20171228 whell wells.jpg
20160517 motor.jpg
domtadart Scan10019 motor left.jpg
20171227 interior domtadart.jpg
20160517 winter dart.jpg