Eastwood epoxy primer

Well I'll be. Our color coats are all Akzo Noble, along with the regular epoxy primers we use. I never even looked at the manufacturers name on the can, just the part number. Why yes I guess it is PPG. Probably the only PPG paint coating we use. I will have to edit my other posts to reflect that.

It is an impact resistant urethane compatible 2 part epoxy primer. Designed for aircraft radomes, so it's great for fiberglass parts. Part number is 512X310. Comes as a gallon of base and a gallon of activator. Mix 1 part to 1 part. I stir it well, then let it sit for about 20 minutes to start to chemically link up. Then mix it one last time, pour it into you paint gun and go. It tends to want to do a kinda fisheye looking thing if you spray it on heavy from the get go Several light tack coats and then one last slick coat works well. A kit with a gallon of primer and gallon of activator will run roughly $250. If I didnt have access to this when it goes out of date, I would be using Kirker epoxy primer.