340 six-pack

My bad, I was actually trying to be funny as to sound ( phonetically, like your typical American, Hillbilly.)
In fact, I was born in Canada which statistically makes me Canadian, yet I do have "papers" that entitle me to the same rights as your President's wife and all the folks you love so much in the good old U.S. of A.
The only difference between you and I that I can see and depending if you are employed (Or retired) is your income is in USD while mine is in CDN... OH YES, and that I'm obligated to speak thoroughly in 2 languages when I was making a living, plus the one I grew up with, So 3 languages to your one. Maybe that's why we Canadians love them 3 carb deuces, aka six packs.
All the best and God Bless All.


Funny you bring up the multiple languages
In my house alone there are 3 different languages fluently spoken on a daily basis

I kinda figured you were joking, so I ran with it (that's what the :poke: under it means, but I'll guess I need to install a larger image)