I know you can do what you want.......BUT

Sorta like the story of the guy that traded his $1 million frog to his buddy for his $1 million turtle. They each claimed they made $1 million. So if I advertise my $10,000 car for $75000 for years on end, it means I am convinced it is worth $75000!! ha
I admit I enjoy working on project cars, rising them from the dead,.. NO, been many years since I wanted to make one a perfect nut an bolt resto job. My cars usually just become decent looking drivers. No show poodles. I always intend to get my $ back out, but many time not a dime for my labor. I am not a flipper but I have owned and sold many mopars over the last 30 years. Cars come, cars go.
I am about to advertise 2 F bodies, I just finished painting. I like the cars. I have 4 Mopars right now and I have to build a shed here for them, or hopefully just 2! Not going to do the body/paint work, even though not perfect, and let them sit outside. In about 1 year we want to sell this place and move further into central Texas, and building a garage or shed here will not add to the properties value, it make it easier to sell, though. So a shed big enough for 2 cars is my choice. Two cars for sale!
Point is F bodies are low $ car in general. F guys are tight! Even tighter than A guys! Not easy sells. I have never lost any $ on a Mopar but these might be a real test!! I will see. My pricing method is figure what the probable fair market value is, hopefully, I have no more than that in it, and if that car is worth that many $$$ to me..... and no one wants its, fine, it can live here
When a possible buyer wants to beat me down on what I feel is a fair price I just tell them that car is worth that many $$ to me. It has been many cars I wish I had overpriced and then I would still own them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha Maybe those guys with the idiot prices on their cars are pretty smart after all!!???????////ha again!????