Amateur radio anyone

I already know of a few other hams on this board. Just curious who is very active and what your into.
I got my ticket 20 yrs. ago next month. Nice relaxing easy hobby that you can do while it's too cold or if your between jobs on the car. I built a 6 element beam for 6M in 2001 and then a 13 ele for 2M ssb the next year and have been a vhf/uhf junkie ever since. Have made contacts all over the world on 20 and 17 and just recently tried FT8. What a blast. In 10 minutes I worked a guy in Argentina, a guy in Japan, and a guy in south Africa all on 25 watts and a basic dipole. Made quite a few state side contacts too. Would love to try EME someday but right now the money isn't there to support it

My equip consists of

Kenwood TS-2000 with a Heil Goldline mic. Used on HF, 6, 2 and 432
Yaesu FT-2900 for 2M fm
Radio Shack HTX-100 with a 222 transverter (have yet to get antenna up but it's in the works)
SingalLink for digital modes
Dentron GLA-2000B that I retrofitted a Russian GI7B tube in for HF
MFJ-962D ant tuner
Hygain Tailtwister and Ham4 rotators
Mirage C1012G for 222
RF Concepts 4-310 for 432

Antenna are:

All band dipole fed with ladder line for HF
6 element homebrew beam for 6M
13 element homebrew beam for 2M SSB
9 element homebrew beam for 2M FM
Cushcraft 729B for 432

Projects in the works are:
1. homebrew HF amp using 2 GI7BT tubes that'll cover 160-6 and be good for 700 watts
2. 70' of Rohn 45 to get the VHF/UHF beams up higher and fed with 7/8" heliax
3. 15 element antenna for 222 mhz
4. Butternut HF5B for 10-20
5. Telrex 1528 for 2M SSB

Here's a pic of my "little" corner of the world

73 from S. Central IL, Tracy (call-sign withheld due to privacy. PM me and I will share it)
