Wiper wiring

Hey All, I have run into a snag and am hoping to borrow your expertise. My wipers work at high speed, but do not work at low speed. This probably a dumb question, but it if you look at the diagram I have included, it looks like 2 prongs should be connected to the same wire (V6-18DBL), do you think the fact the they aren't connected is causing me the issue?

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I dont know what model, motor, or where your resistor is. What I would suggest
verify what is switched 12 volts in. In most examples, the unused terminal is simply a power take off. This terminal was used by the factory in early models factory wiring and remained for cb radio/whatever accessory use when no longer used in factory wiring. The diagonal line draw on the diagram may be a link inside inside the switch. Test lamp or ohm meter would verify this also.