How to get blower motor to seal?

I thought reinstalling the heater box, heater core and blower motor would be an easy job. I don’t know what I’m missing or if I’m overthinking it? I can’t seem to get the blower motor to seat correctly against the under dash insulation. As a result the 4 long anchoring bolts don’t push through the firewall enough to secure the motor from the engine bay. Maybe the order with which I’m using the spacers and foam padding is incorrect? I know on the back of the heater box there are 4 long studs, then 4 spacers then washers then that goes through the firewall. In the engine bay the studs stick through the firewall along with the heater core tubes. It looks like the wiring coming off the blower motor is preventing me from fully sealing the blower motor to the insulated padding under the dash. If you look at the photo of the blower motor through the fire all you can see where the foam gasket is pushed forward due to the wiring. Am I missing something? How does the wiring off of the blower motor get routed?


