For anyone wanting to convert the A body from 5x4 over to 5x4.5

Will 17x7s even fit without a super low profile tire?
Kinda depends on which car you have. I think it might, IF you can get the right backspace, and IF you get tires with the right profile and height.
I have a set of 17x7 and 17x8 (admittedly for a 55 chevy). I havent bought the front tires yet, but i have 255/50x17s on the rear. On a 4 1/2 b.s, 0 offset, 27" tall. They dont look like rubber band tires, and i like the wheels
The fronts are 17x7 with 4"b.s. also 0 offset. If you shop for a tire that has a height around 25" for the front, i think it could work.