Last one to post in this thread wins!

Morning Guys,
So yesterday started out like a normal day. Landed up going to the emerg around 1pm with darting severe pain in my side that would take your breathe away.
They did a MRI and bloodwork and said it looked like I had Kidney stone and that I had passed it. Finally got to leave at at 6pm.
Not being used to being in a hospital I should have taken a jacket, it was freezing in there. A wonder I didn't get hypothermia lol
One woman as I was about to leave commented on how long she had been waiting. I asked how long she had been there for. She replied at least an hr and a half and this was awful.
I told her that everyone goes to Triage and then it's determined how severe the illness is.
I said to here if you have to wait that means there are people a lot sicker then you so be thankful. She sure shut up real quick.
Feeling better today but still a little tender if I turn the wrong way.
That certainly trumps my fly bite.!!! Glad you got it passed. The cold keeps the germs down