Cheapest ways to increase power

Look at what forum you are in, and then look at the advice you gave.
I bet I know why he gave you the red X
Lol. Yeah, I see that now. I wasn't the only poster to suggest a V8, but he picked me out. Like I said, I wish he would've just posted why.

Well the only thing is, would i be better off grabbing a smallblock or just stick with the slant 6?
Heck, the OP even asked about it, and later mentioned he's a V8 guy!

If he had looked around, he would've seen that I understand the small engine approach:
You just have to realize that if you're into something that isn't mainstream, you'll get comments like "put an 8 in it". You'll go nuts if you let it bother you. I used to modify VW Bug engines when I was younger, because they were cheaper to work on. So, I know how you feel. (The first car I drove after my warmed-over Bug was my 70 Challenger R/T w/ 383, 4 spd and 3.91 gears. I never went back!)

I've spent enough time on this one!