Electric guitar...

Okay around two of guitar lessons. As I probably said I started some guitar lessons and wasn't happy where it was going or what was going on. It was just out of this book and ding donging along with the high E string. I can see where this would eventually become beneficial but the book came with online support and I didn't see where I would need a teacher for that part I don't need to be pushed I'm motivated...
Fast forward here to my 2 month anniversary and I'm feeling a tick more comfortable with the guitar in my hands. Not to say I'm doing really well I'm just a little more comfortable with the notion and with the feel...
Anyways I went to a local music store where the owner wasn't there this time but a younger guy that works there half the time when the owner isn't there and I seem to hit it off with him and I went ahead and paid for four lessons.. I start tomorrow so we'll see where this goes...
Still practicing everyday..