Well guys my 47 year streak may continue

Well guys you aren’t going to believe this but last night while working on the duster I had to make several trips behind the shop to piss and something didn’t feel just right. I watched election returns till 12:30am and went to bed. Up at 6:30am and burning piss every 20 minutes. I called my specialist and it was to late to make the office 7 miles from my house but they could see me in Monroville a 75 mile round trip at 4pm. He looked at me and said your kidding. I said nope the infection is back. A urine test proved me right. Antibiotics for 7 days and see him next Friday. Knowing my day was screwed I ran down to the shop and checked my valves, finished the carb and radiator lines and installed the W2 header adapters. I got everything I wanted to do before seeing my doctor. Waiting at the pharmacy for my prescription now. If I would have waited till Friday my racing plans would have been screwed. If the infection isn’t gone next week a scope goes up you know what to see what is going on.

All kidding aside...I sure hope the meds kick in and resolve it for you. That's a terrible health issue - not telling you anything you don't know. We all want to see you get to hit the track yet!