Nice Mancave!

Wow! I know I don’t have enough $$ to top that one!!
Like I said, very few of us have so much coin.
YES!! Hemi Hideout. I absolutely love this place, been there twice.
I lived about 15 miles from Brookshire, TX back in 2012-2018. 2 or 3 times a year they would hold an "open house" and allow the public to come to the property and visit the Hideout.

I'm sure some people look at this and shake their head or mutter something unflattering about this guy. Let me tell you, John Hovas is a wonderful man. He is one of the nicest guys around, he hangs out with the public during the open houses, he'll talk with anyone and everyone about the cars and signs. He took my mother around for about 30 minutes telling her the backstory to a bunch of his signs. They have ice cream for the kids and soft drinks available to everyone.
He doesn't charge admission to come for the open house, but they "suggest" a $5 or up donation which goes to a charity that was picked for that day. John then matches the donations.
Made his fortune in the Oil & Gas Services business, he worked his tail off for a number of years and then sold the company.

I don't think the video talked about it, but the building is built in what I would call Old Amish style. There isn't a single metal nail or bolt in it. It's all wood frame, beams, dowels, etc. The trestle work is designed to completely support the roof. It's unreal to see it in person, the video doesn't even do it justice.

As for the cars... you can imagine what a treat it is to see them all in one place. He has everything from super low mile survivors to full resto-mod beasts. Believe it or not, out of all those cars, the one I always liked the best is the '72 Duster he has tucked in the back corner. Beautiful black paint with a satin black ghost stripe. It's gorgeous. I asked him once if it was for sale, he said "45 grand".
You may have noticed the extension cords going up into every car. They keep a trickle charger on and each car gets driven once (or more) a month.
And the signs are just as incredible as the cars.
If you ever get the chance, it's a must see!
Well another post appeared while I was typing that confirmed my thoughts/suspicions.
Life, lifestyle, really shouldn't be a competition. We, as humans, have made a competition out of everything since horse drawn chariots. So long as we are happy with what we have accomplished, and what we can share, ignore the number of digits. I'll gladly add my XX donations to his XX, ***, XXXX, digit donations. So long as we all do what we can. If you think "they got his XXXX, they don't need my XX, you are wrong. The old saying, "No matter how small the drop, the bucket is filling".