Gas price going up // Rethinking the new project car


In 1967 you could get gas for $0.33

In today's dollars that would be $2.75, tack on 1.00 in taxes and fees, $3.75 per gallon. It's really about the same.

Gas through our A body years 1960 Thru 76 was between 30 and 40 cents per gallon then in 75-76 it jumped to 50+ per gallon.

Fact #741: August 20, 2012 Historical Gasoline Prices, 1929-2011
Right you are. When I got out of the Air Force, I went back to school to get an MBA and in one of my classes, I heard a bout a guy who wrote a master's thesis named something like, "The Big Mac Link". He tied almost everything over a 40 year period to the price of the Big Mac. Over the years, a big mac has gone from, what, 39 cents to about $4. Lots of other things had price increases that closely mirrored the Big Mac.